Northwest 25 Gust 36...I think Manteo is a little less than what I feel!
This is the good one from the stitch.
Sunset on the 22nd had a few "happy little clouds living here"
April 16, can't decide if horizontal or verticle is better so, you get both.
April 8
No sunset after the front blew threw but later a hole appeared in the clouds and left a nice reflection of light and dark.
Oops...Its Robertson Mountain
Old Rag from Roberts
Another Rag
4/4 Hiked up backside of OR but got blisters so figured the 1.6 miles to Roberts would be a good comprimise. Ended up to be same verticle as OR! Legs still hurt on 4/6. Different view of Old Rag.
4-5-09 Sunset(blog keeps moving its position so I don't know if its to the right or below?)
This one (4-1) did not come out as cool as it looked. The silver flashes were much more vivid...maybe a movie would have worked...(There was no direct sun so the effect was cool)
March 29